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Julian Assange Wikileaks Founder Agrees To Extradition

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, Agrees to Extradition


After a lengthy legal battle, Julian Assange has agreed to be extradited from the United Kingdom to the United States.

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The WikiLeaks founder has been fighting extradition for over a decade, arguing that he would be subjected to harsh conditions and a politically motivated prosecution in the US. Assange is accused of conspiring to hack into US government computer systems and leaking classified information, which US authorities say endangered national security.

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The US has sought Assange's extradition since 2019, but the UK courts have been reluctant to comply due to concerns about his health and fair trial rights. However, in a recent ruling, the High Court in London ruled that Assange could be extradited despite these concerns, and Assange agreed not to appeal the decision.


Assange's extradition marks a significant victory for the US in its efforts to prosecute the founder of WikiLeaks. The case has raised important questions about the limits of government surveillance and the rights of whistleblowers who expose classified information. However, it also highlights the potential consequences of such actions, as Assange now faces the prospect of spending decades in prison.
